9:00-9:30 Registration and breakfast
9:30 Dr. Karrin Wilks, Senior Vice-President and Provost, Borough of Manhattan Community College
Ms. Janey Flanagan, Director of E-Learning, Borough of Manhattan Community College
“STEM Learners: Education, Technology, Success and Prospects”
Dr. Frank Mayadas, Founding President, Sloan-C, now Online Learning Consortium, and Program Director (ret’d), Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
9:50-10:40 “Improving Student Accessibility through the use of Remote Instrumentation: The BC-ILN Project”
Dr. Bruno Cinel, Associate Professor, and Dr. Sharon Brewer, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Sciences, Thompson Rivers University, British Columbia
10:40-11:00 Coffee break and networking: Fiterman 13th floor outdoor terrace
STEM Presentations
11:00– 11:25 “Online Graduate Courses from the American Museum of Natural History,” Dr. Rob Steiner, Director, Online Teacher Education Programs, American Museum of Natural History
11:30– 11:55 “Science Forward!” Dr. Lisa Brundage, Director of CUNY Advance and Dr. Kelly O’Donnell, Director of Science Forward and Adjunct Professor at Macaulay Honors College and City College of New York
2:00–12:25 “Bringing Real World Experiences to Online Learning using Simulation,”
Dr. Richard W. Oliver, Founder and CEO of American Sentinel University
12:30-12:55 “Blended Science Classes and Technology Tools for Student Collaboration,”
Dr. Nannette Van Loon and Dr. Sarah Salm, Professors at Borough of Manhattan Community College
1:30-1:40 “Why Students Leave the Sciences and Lessons for Online Learning,” Dr. Anne Barrie Hunter,author of Talking about Leaving Revisited: The Problem of Undergraduate Persistence in STEM Majors, Co-Director of and Senior Professional Researcher with Ethnography & Evaluation Research (E & ER) at the University of Colorado, Boulder
1:40-1:50 “The Importance of Career Awareness for Students,” Ms. Joanne Van Voorhis, Executive Director of Career Cornerstone Center
Panel and Guided Discussion
1:55-2:40 “The Need for Quality STEM Graduates and the Role of Online Education”
The panelists will address this important topic bringing to bear their perspectives and
Moderator: Dr. Frank Mayadas, Sloan-C, now Online Learning Consortium
Mr. Scott Bronson, Manager of K-12 Programs for Brookhaven National Laboratory’s (BNL) Office of Educational Programs (OEP)
Dr. Ryan Kelsey, Program Officer, The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust
Dr. Steve Rossnagel, Research Staff Member at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM
Dr. Michael Teitelbaum, Senior Research Associate, Wertheim Fellow at Harvard Law School, Science Careers 2013 Person of the Year, and author of Falling Behind? Boom, Bust, and the Global Race for Scientific Talent
2:40-2:50 Continuing Initiatives in Faculty Research, Professional Development and Collaboration,
Dr. Helene Bach and Dr. Megan Elias, Borough of Manhattan Community College
Closing and Door Prizes